An attempt..


I have put together few words that came to my mind. I won’t call this a poem, but a distant kin of it probably.

Friends and friendship

– My soul keepers..

That day still remains fresh

As engraved on hard rock.

My first day there.

A stranger among million strangers.

Time passed, seasons changed,

Somewhere along the way

Some became the lamps of my life.

Like a street lamp

Guiding a lost traveler,

They held my hand and led me.

The moments with them ,

The  greenest patches of my life.

All those fun, the teasing, the fights.

All bring a bittersweet smile to my lips

And a tear to my eyes.

The thought of parting

Is weighing down heavily in my heart.

Keeping the memories alive,

I live on…

5 thoughts on “An attempt..

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  1. Well, it’s more than a distant kin. A sibling would be somewhat apt. Glad that you’ve started stimulating your poetic cells 🙂 Hold the pen stronger to write better. Good luck.


  2. hey yr poem is really gud… but you’re much of a writer than a poet…:) cuz yr writings impressed me a lot n u kno wat i’m insisting on u… 🙂 i want u 2 start writin a book soon…


  3. superb dear!!!!!became the fan of both a writer and a poet now!!!;-)i reli got stuck out of emotions reading tis poem….


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